Crepes suzette Recipe
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Crepes suzette

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Crepes suzette Recipe
                               CREPES SUZETTE
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Desserts
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
                         -----CREPE BATTER-----
  125       g            Flour (4.5 oz)
   15       g            Sugar (0.5 oz)
    1       pn           Salt
    2                    Eggs
    3       dl           Milk, boiled and cooled
                         -- (5/8 pint)
    1       dl           Double cream ( 3.5 fl oz)
    1       tb           Curagao
                         Clarified butter for the pan
    6                    Sugar lumps
    2                    Oranges
  180       g            Softened butter ( 6 oz)
  180       g            Sugar
    3       tb           Curagao
   THE BATTER: Put the flour, sugar and salt in a bowl
   and stir in the eggs, one at a time, with a wooden
   spatula. Pour in one-third of the milk and mix until
   smooth and homogenous. Stir in the cream, the rest of
   the milk and the curagao, cover the bowl with a plate
   and leave the batter to stand at room temperature for
   at least 1 hour before cooking the crepes.
   COOKING THE CREPES: Brush the pan with clarified
   butter and heat it. Ladle in a little batter, tilt the
   pan to spread it thinly over the base and cook the
   crepe for about 1.5 minutes, then turn it over with a
   palette knife and cook for about 1.5 minutes more,
   until golden on both sides. Place the crepe on a plate
   and make more crepes in the same way: you should end
   up with 18 crepes ! THE SAUCE: Rub the sugar lumps
   again the orange skin to absorb as much flavour as
   possible. With a wire whisk, work together the
   softened butter and sugar, then add the curagao and
   sugar lumps. SERVING: Squeeze the orange juice into a
   pan, set over high heat and reduce by half. Bring the
   pan to the table, set it on a spirit stove - or a
   fondue heater - and beat the butter mixture into the
   orange juice, bringing the mixture to the boil. As
   soon as the sauce bubbles, lift one crepe at a time
   with a fork and spread it in the sauce, turn it over
   and fold into quarters. Repeat with all the crepes. --
                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Free recipe: Crepes suzette (Recipe source online. Easy and quick cooking food, low fat cook/ cookie, healthy vegetarian diet for breakfast, dinner or supper. No secret recipie)
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